Leadership growth is internal, intentional, and can’t be ignored. Yet, many leaders remain unaware and inattentive to the unseen operating system of their lives.

Leadership Environments

  • Pastor/Elder Relationships & Governance

    Today’s challenges are surfacing at an unprecedented rate of speed, and today’s cultural environment is placing new challenges and tensions at the feet of Elders and Pastors. Our ongoing pace and aspirations for progress continue to stretch interpersonal and emotional capacities for all of us. These challenges are no longer simply external in nature. Some of the most challenging are the internal issues where we have to take a much deeper look at the health of our leaders and culture.

  • Leadership Cohort

    Leadership At The Peak (LATP) is an invite-only gathering of Executive Pastors from across the country who are making a difference in their local church and yet know there is more to be explored in their heart, leadership, and the development of their church culture.

    LATP helps leaders get access to the deep waters of leadership by addressing your unseen operating system as a leader and in your church.  We need a holistic, integrated way of leading that combines both discipleship and leadership that doesn’t sacrifice one for the other but holds both firmly together.

    Leaders that pursue full capacity need a place to confront a wide range of the challenges from every dimension of life. This program focuses on broadening your leadership point-of-view, while accelerating your development in the context of trusted relationships with like-minded, like-passioned leaders who want to run as hard as you do.  We provide skills, tools, and the trusted environment that helps leaders navigate the noise and instability that comes with responsibility, while cultivating a leader’s calling, potential, and performance.  

    LATP is an intensive program that integrates the personal and professional lives of the leader to achieve greater impact.  The premise of the LATP is that today’s leaders should not only be leading from their competencies and skills, but also from who they are as people.  We are seeing how the development of emotional intelligence, relational connection, personal values, and character can create the improved performance we seek in our Churches.

  • Spiritual Direction

    Spiritual Direction is an opportunity to grow in intimacy in our relationship with God. It is about experiencing God in ways that are powerfully transformative and challenging as well as intimately loving. We practice the posturing our hearts, and working toward intimate proximity with the Holy Spirit. Through developing a deep and abiding relationship with Him we become the man or woman God intended. Spiritual direction empowers us to experience life to the full and experience God to the full, no matter where we find ourselves on the journey.

  • 1:1 Development & Coaching

    More information coming soon!